Hydration & Vitality
Truly happy skin feels light, hydrated and comforted. To achieve this result one must mix and match his skincare options, by letting the skin breath freely when not much harm can be done. We have created several moisturizers and toners which will keep the moist in place, and even provide protection of various levels *, while being unfelt on the skin. Perfect option for holidays, travels, (non-sun exposed), transport, or while indoors.
*see the product specifications for protection options.
To enhance the effect of moisturizer, antioxidant revitalizing action is necessary. That is why we recommend to use our light hydrating products in pair with antioxidants charged serums and fluids, which will deliver the moist in the deepest places. Your skin will never be dull. Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Pomegranate, Grapes are the key words here.